the elusive future: feedback from a self-emancipated orphan

slide 1:

If you love your kid, you will have the humility

to realize that as a flawed, socially sculpted individual

like and unlike me, you are

a person unaware

unaware of all the possibilities that your honored guest can be, needs to see, to be, who they are.


slide 2:

If you love your kid, you will tread softly

by learning what you don’t know

realizing too that there is always more material, resources

best sourced in the imagination, experiences, dreams of others who hold part of our shared realities.


slide 3:

If you love your kid, you are loving the unknown, and the wildly possible, so,

expand your imagination,

expand the imaginative bounds of your heart.

Learn, feel, see and keep seeking more, together, so you can, with your kid, together

we can start to see the elusive future



…on Sunday February 12th.